今回は、Emotional Intelligence に関する説明文の最初の部分に冠詞を埋める問題です。英文を読んで、正しい冠詞を判断してください。ライティングなさる場合にもスピーキングをなさる場合にも応用出来ますので、頑張ってください。

英文法総復習 – 冠詞特講


“Alright, imagine you have [1] special power called emotional intelligence. It’s like having [2] magic wand, but instead of casting spells, it helps you understand and manage your feelings and [3] feelings of others.

1. (required)

2. (required)

3. (required)

First, let’s talk about feelings. You know how sometimes you feel happy, sad, or angry, don’t you? Well, emotional intelligence helps you recognize those feelings and understand why you feel that way. It’s like being [4] detective for your emotions!

4. (required)

Next, emotional intelligence helps you control your feelings. So, if you’re feeling really mad because someone took your toy, instead of yelling or hitting, you can use your emotional intelligence to take [5] deep breath and think of [6] calm way to solve the problem, like talking it out or asking for help.

5. (required)

6. (required)


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