人々に捧げる詩 3




The Language Learner’s Ode: A Tribute to Those Who Strive

In the pursuit of mastery, each dawn they rise,
With dedication in their gleaming eyes.
Through verbs and nouns, they navigate the maze,
With each endeavor, they brighten their days.

In the quiet hours before the world awakes,
They pour over pages, their thirst to slake.
In grammar’s dance and vocabulary’s flight,
They find their wings, their spirits taking flight.

Though challenges may rise like towering walls,
They press ahead, refusing to stall.
With every word learned, they pave the way,
To brighter futures in the light of day.

So here’s to those who strive with might and main,
In the pursuit of English, they shall reign.
Their diligence and passion light the way,
To brighter tomorrows, come what may.

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