ライティング+スピーキング 1




Independence Day, commonly known [1] Fourth of July, is [2] significant national holiday [3] United States. It commemorates [4] Declaration of Independence, which was adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776. This declaration proclaimed [5] thirteen American colonies as a new nation, no longer under British rule. Independence Day is celebrated annually on July 4th and is marked by various patriotic festivities, ceremonies, and traditions across the country.

Independence Day: 独立記念日
Declaration of Independence: 独立宣言書
Continental Congress: 大陸会議


1. Independence Day, commonly known [1] Fourth of July, (required)

2. Fourth of July, is [2] significant national holiday (required)

3. national holiday [ ] United States. (required)

4. It commemorates [4] Declaration of Independence (required)

5. This declaration proclaimed [5] thirteen American colonies (required)


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