かつて流行した地球温暖化という言葉が姿を消し、最近は、もっぱら気候変動がよく語られます。その違いをご存知の方も多いでしょう。自分が知っていることを他者が物知り顔で話すのを聞くのはやや辛抱強さが必要ですが、その差を英語で言えますか? ライティングでもスピーキングでも、これは覚えておいて損は無い内容ですので、目を通して置かれることをお薦めします。





[1] refers to the long-term increase in Earth’s average [2] temperature. It describes the phenomenon where the Earth’s atmosphere traps heat from the sun, primarily due to the increased concentration of greenhouse gases (such as [3]) emitted by human activities like burning fossil fuels. Global warming focuses on the temperature aspect of climate change.

[4] encompasses broader changes in Earth’s climate patterns beyond just temperature. It refers to long-term shifts in weather patterns, including changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns, and other factors that affect the climate. Climate change can be caused by natural processes and human activities, including global warming. It spans not only the warming of the planet but also the associated effects such as [5], melting glaciers, altered rainfall patterns, increased frequency of extreme weather events, and shifts in ecosystems.


[1] refers to the long-term increase in … (required)

Earth's average [2] temperature. (required)

greenhouse gases (such as [3]) (required)

[4] encompasses broader changes … (required)

the associated effects such as [5], … (required)


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