人々に捧げる詩 2




It’s Time to Take Care of Yourself

In the mirror’s gaze, your reflection gleams,
A symphony of hopes, dreams, and unseen beams.
You, the compass of your own destiny’s flight,
In the boundless expanse of day and night.

Embrace the truth, let it gently unfurl,
You’re the captain, the flag, the radiant pearl.
Nurture your mind, let wisdom’s fountain flow,
In the depths of learning, new horizons glow.

Tend to your vessel, this temple of grace,
In its whispers, echoes your sacred space.
In solitude’s embrace, find solace profound,
Listen to the silence, where truth is crowned.

You are the maestro of your own symphony,
Crafting melodies of love, of harmony.
Cherish yourself, as a precious treasure,
For in the grandeur of life, you are the measure.

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